Version 0.1.1

After a couple player reviews, and some more time playing the game myself, I've uploading a hotfix to address some of the issues found:

-It was unintentionally possible to jump over the shield-sharks.  As such, their hitboxes have been raised up slightly.
-There was an error with the Pike Captain (1st level boss) disappearing when the player dies.  I've adjusted the bosses scripts to account for the state of the player's health.
-In the latter half of the 2nd level, some of the archer fish where placed in ways that made it close-to-impossible to dodge or block their attacks.  I have rearranged some of the archer gauntlets to hopefully allow for a little more fairness; without losing the difficulty of the level.
-The window for the "perfect block" wasn't properly scripted, and thus wasn't narrowed down as intended.  An additional variable has been added to Swish to determine whether or not a perfect block was done.

Thank you very much to those who have tested out this project and put forward a review!


Swish, the Swordfish 15 MB
Nov 11, 2022

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